Thursday, October 7, 2010

Blog 7 NPR

1) Unabashed
3) "There was something so unabashed about that record." (Justin Timberlake)
4) Not disconcerted or embarrassed; poised.
5) When I got pants in front of my entire team, I was so unabashed I just pulled my shorts back up and kept playing.

When you go into an interview you have to know a little bit of the background for who you are going to be talking with. If it is an athlete, look you should try to look up how old they were when they started. What got them into the sport. If they are a singer, Who or what inspired them to sing? When did they start singing? Did they write their own lyrics or make their own beat? If they are an actor, who got them into acting? At what age did they start acting? Did they have to take any acting classes to get them to where they are now? There are numerous things you should probably look into before you start an interview with a certain person.

After listening to the NPR program Fresh Air when Justin Timberlake was interviewed about the new movie The Social Network, and looking at it from the perspective of an interviewee, it gives you a better understanding on how to interview someone. Not only do you have to ask the person you are interviewing certain questions about their life or the event going on at that point in time, but you have to know when the right moment is to kindly and quickly interrupt them to ask another question, only if they are focused on the previous one for too long. When Timberlake was asked how he became so funny and if he ever did anything to make his parents laugh, he said he used to dress up in different costumes. Right there it gives you the best opportunity to interrupt and ask who he dressed up as.  It was still dealing with the main question, but yet stopped him from pro-longing his first response. It stopped him from boring the listeners. After listening to the interview, it helped to get a better understanding on how to interview the right way. By not letting the interviewer ramble on and on and let them get the point across on what they were actually being interviewed for from the get go. When you interview someone you definitely have to look into somewhat of their background and how they got to the point where they are at now. You also have to have your questions already prepared and they have to stay on topic so you do not ramble on about something completely different. This interview was very well put together and thought out before it actually happened. Now that makes a good interview.

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