Thursday, September 30, 2010

#6 Drinking Coffee Elsewhere

1) Jobbernowl
3) a stupid person
4) The girl was a jobbernowlwhen she confronted the "retard" about, so called, calling her a "nigger."

As I sit on the hill on my ten year old holey Redskins blanket with a cappuccino in hand, I watched the most beautiful, pinkish- orange, sunset I have ever seen. With the cool breeze blowing through my hair, I thought to myself, "This is true art, this is what makes life so precious."

When writing a scene, you have to be able to put the reader in the characters place. To get them to feel what the character is feeling. To see what the character sees. When Z.Z. Packer tells a story you can feel what the character feels. See what the character sees. "She sat down cross-legged on a sleeping bag, an embittered Buddha eyes glimmering acrylic black," Packer states.

Her writing is not only philosophical, but it is life. She doesn't write about how great life is or how perfect, but she writes the truth. She writes about the life of a black (a "nigger"), a "retard," a homeless man, and even an amputee. They are not stories to have pity on each of the characters, but stories to get the facts out there about the truths of life.

Some say Z.Z. Packer's book "Drinking Coffee Elsewhere" is just "minority fiction." All these stories are just stories and not true ways of life, but they are real. There are real people with stories like these. We as human beings and all equal in every way shape or form, need to realize this. Packer is a phenomenal writer that gets the point across, but also is over looked by some. Not because of her style of writing, but because her "minority fiction."

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